Section B – Foundations of Religion – Christianity – Past Exam Questions

Greetings third years,

I hope you have had a chance to look at Foundations of Religion – Christianity, Chapters 5– 8 and the blue notes I posted.

Here are some past exam questions from 2011 back to 2008 from section 4 (paragraph answers 50 marks) and section 5 (essay answer 70 marks). Have a look at the questions and see if you can notice any similarities between them – what kinds of things are the examiners looking for? If you have a chance try to answer parts of a question or a complete question (or two). The most important thing is to look at the questions and see if you know where in Section B (and beyond) and in the blue notes you can find helpful points for the answers. Keep studying the chapters and the notes.

Here are the questions – good luck looking at them (and trying a few if you have time). I will post one or two sample answers by 4pm on Saturday 14th April.

Section D – Foundations of Religion – Christianity – Past Exam Questions


Section 4 Question 2

A. Name the sea marked a) and the river marked b) on the map of Palestine below (6)

(a = Sea of Galilee b = River Jordan)



B. Describe an incident in the life of Jesus that is associated with one of the places which you have named on the map above. (18)

C. a) In the Christian tradition, the term ‘sacrifice’ refers to …. (5)

b) Outline how sacrifice can be seen in one event from the life of Jesus. (21)

Section 5 Question 2

MEMORIAL                         MISSION

Examine how the experience of one of the above played a part in the development of the first Christian Communities.


Section 4 Question 2

A. Examine the way in which the Jewish religion was structured in Palestine at the time of Jesus. (16)

B. a) Describe two difficulties the first Christians faced after the death of Jesus. (18)

b) Outline one way in which the first Christians dealt with the difficulties they faced after the death of Jesus. (16)

Section 5 Question 2

MESSIAH                              NEW CREATION

Examine one of the above titles for Jesus referring to the following points:

(i)                 The meaning of the title for the Jewish people at the time of Jesus.

(ii)               The new understanding of Jesus seen in the use of the title by the first Christians.


Section 4 Question 2

A.  a) Name one parable that Jesus told to his early followers. (5)

b) Outline two points that Jesus taught his followers in a parable you have studied. (Name the parable as well.) (12)

B. a) Explain two reasons why the Gospels are described as documents of faith. (18)

b) Outline what was involved in three stages in the development of the Gospels. (15)

Section 5 Question 2

Describe life in Palestine at the time of Jesus referring to each of the following:

(i)                 The political structures

(ii)               The religious structures


Section 4 Question 2

A. a) Each of the different religious groups described below lived in Palestine at the time of Jesus. Choose the name of the religious group that correctly matches the description. PHARISEES        ZEALOTS     SADDUCEES           (The first one is done.) (8)

We are wealthy aristocrats and have strong links with the Temple in Jerusalem. We accept Roman rule and have power in Palestine. SADDUCEES

We reject Roman rule in Palestine and are ready to fight the Romans. _______________

We do not co-operate with the Romans. We run the local synagogues and are strict about keeping all the laws of Judaism. ________________

b) Choose two of the above groups and say why each one came into conflict with Jesus. (14)

B. a) Give two reasons why the Sanhedrin was important in Palestine at the time of Jesus. (14)

b) Outline what happened when Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin. (14)

Section 5 Question 2

Examine the way in which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper as both a Passover Meal and Eucharist.

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